When Your Professional Bio Reads Like a Match.com Profile

If your Professional Bio reads kind of like this:

“I’m married to my high school sweetheart and we live in the gorgeous Hudson River Valley. We have a goofy German Shepherd named Baron von Sillymeister we love with all our hearts, we enjoy vacationing at Disneyland and every weekend finds us at our favorite Italian restaurant. I’m a dreamer of dreams with a heart for small business owners and helping them make their dreams come true. I really don’t like to cook and could live off of Diet Coke and nachos.; lucky for me, my hubby does all the cooking! I know in my heart that Jesus is the King of Kings and I am constantly being saved. I totally believe that ice cream floats taste better when you eat them out of a frosted mug that says “Root Beer is Jesus’ Favorite Drink” and I am obsessed with anything pink…”

then there’s a pretty good chance I won’t be attending your “business conference.”


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