Something NEW is Coming

March 8, 2023 1

I get a lot of questions about running a photography business. I mean, A LOT of them. And don’t get me wrong, I love them. I love them as much as I love pie, and, […]

Professional Courtesy, Dude

February 26, 2020 0

I was sent an article yesterday. It is entitled “A Photographer is One Ingredient In a Recipe of Many.” I was asked to read it and provide my thoughts. It’s written as a response by […]

They Don’t Realize it Yet

December 1, 2019 0

My son texted me the other day asking for my meatball recipe. It’s a rarity that he texts me for recipes, so I was thrilled to my toes. About a week later, my daughter texted […]

I Shower for YOU

October 10, 2019 1

(I pondered this ALL DAY yesterday. And now you get to read about it. Or not. It’s okay either way. ) I don’t care what I look like, but I care what other people think […]

A Grinch Photography Story

October 2, 2019 1

Every photographer in Photographerville liked Christmas a lot“We’ll try something new for Christmas minis,” they thought.  They used a big Grinch suit for the whole Christmas seasonTo scare little children…no one quite knows the reason. […]

Powdered Milk Nonsense

September 3, 2019 6

When I was a little girl, I lived in Incirlik AFB, Turkey. We lived for a year off base on the third floor of a very large apartment building. My parents spoke no Turkish and […]

Things I Can’t Prove But Know for Certain

August 10, 2019 0

Our Internet devices are all listening to us Cake tastes better when eaten in the middle of the night. In secret. In the kitchen. And it’s the last piece. People who open a different “Internet […]

The Power of Paper

August 8, 2019 0

“You know what, Bubba? We’re right and the world’s all wrong.” ~My Dad Yes, my dad called me “Bubba,” and as a kid, I hated it. Oh, did I hate it. When a boy I […]

Do the Hustle

August 7, 2019 0

“It was constant hustle for me the first three years (in business) full time.” I read this quote from a photographer-turned-business coach. It was advice in a Facebook group. I’m not certain the question that […]

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