One Shirt to Save Us All

I have a lot of dreams. I have goals that I am still working to accomplish. And sometimes, nay, most of the time, I worry that I won’t be able to accomplish them. It’s not for lack of drive, nor lack of determination. I have plenty of that. But what I don’t have…what I feel is REALLY holding me back and keeping my goals from being realized is… a lack of a plaid shirt.

I have other shirts, yes. But none of those shirts make me feel like I can take on ANYTHING. I slip them over my head, or button them up and they just hang there. Almost mocking me and my efforts at success. I hear their words in my head: “She’ll never be anything without a plaid shirt.”

Frankly, I had no idea where to turn. I just knew that I was powerless to succeed and be the woman I knew I could be until I had a plaid shirt.

And then, today, I saw this in my newsfeed…

and it was like everything in the Universe shifted in my favor.

I wept.

For there, on my computer screen was the plaid shirt I’ve been waiting for.

The plaid shirt that will make look good.

The plaid shirt that will make me feel good.
The plaid shirt that will enable me to take on anything.
The plaid shirt that will knock down barriers.
The plaid shirt that says, “DREAM, you crazy bastard. DREAM BIG.”

I had no idea that for $26.99 I could own the plaid shirt that will render me unstoppable. Like a superhero: “Look! Conquering obstacles and dreaming big. It’s PLAID SHIRT GIRL! Nothing can stop her!”

This…THIS is the plaid shirt that will save me.
It is the plaid shirt that will save us all.

Get thee behind me, hard work, determination, education and persistence. All we women need to succeed is a plaid shirt.

And now…we have it. xoxo

(PS I shared the shirt with my daughter. She is also incredibly excited. She said, “I can be a singer, scientist, actress, and run a dog shelter if I wear that shirt. All while in my twenties.” I’m telling you, this plaid shirt is changing lives.)

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