Start an IV or Go Fish?

April 20, 2019 4

Dear State Senator Maureen Walsh, I normally write about life and photography and occasionally cocktails, but I just watched your speech on the floor of the Washington Senate, arguing why a bill that would require […]

St. Ivahadenuf

April 18, 2019 0

She stands in the front of the church; her face carefully set into a pleasant expression, her breathing slow. The knuckles of her right hand, however, are white with rage as she clutches her camera. […]

These Photos Aren’t for YOU

April 11, 2019 1

When I was a little girl, we would eat dinner as a family every night at five o’clock. My dad was in the Air Force and when he arrived home, dinner was on the table. […]

Chocolate Bunny Shots

April 10, 2019 4

It’s that time of year again-the time of year where I remind you to buy hollow chocolate bunnies, cut off their ears, and turn them into shot glasses. You’re welcome. xoxo(PS. If the bunnies eyes […]

Signs and Wonders

April 9, 2019 2

I’ve never seen the face of Jesus on my grilled cheese, but this morning, I did see Donald Trump’s hair on my banana. xoxo

I Want a Freaking Doughnut

April 5, 2019 2

As part of my annual, OMG-it’s-April-and-I-will-be-in-a-swimsuit-soon freakout, I decided to cut back my sugar intake. This involves removing all processed sugars, and limiting my grains. I am not, however, eating saturated fats (yeah, dairy products-I’m […]

Boobs and Nachos

March 30, 2019 0

I went to a Mexican Hooters last night.  Okay, it wasn’t really a Hooters but they did serve Mexican food and I wanted to cover the servers up with a bathrobe, so I guess the […]

I’m not in it for the Likes

March 24, 2019 0

Dear Friends,  I’ve opted out of playing The Social Media Game.I refuse to do it. Notice I’m not saying I’ve opted out of social media. I love social media; you are reading these words because […]

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