Call of Jury Duty

February 5, 2019 2

“Am I in the right place?” That was the question I asked a very stressed out security person as I reported for jury duty early this morning. Yes, the dreaded “Day of Duty” had arrived […]

Girl, Wise Up

February 1, 2019 0

Hey, you. Yeah, you. The one buying the self-help books and following the social media influencers and life coaches. Yeah, you. Don’t try to walk away…I see you. Come on over here and sit down. […]

Somebody’s Got to Clean the Bathrooms

January 29, 2019 0

DO WORK THAT MATTERS. It’s all around us, this directive to “Do work that matters.” I’ve been seeing it from the likes of people I admire, like Seth Godin and Jon Acuff. I’ve read it […]


January 24, 2019 1

Turbulence. Nobody likes it. No one. Anywhere. Ever. Just the word itself brings to mind things falling off shelves and people shaking in their seats. Turbulence is choppy seas and jackhammers and potholes and Facebook […]

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