Things I Can’t Prove But Know for Certain

August 10, 2019 0

Our Internet devices are all listening to us Cake tastes better when eaten in the middle of the night. In secret. In the kitchen. And it’s the last piece. People who open a different “Internet […]

These Photos Aren’t for YOU

April 11, 2019 1

When I was a little girl, we would eat dinner as a family every night at five o’clock. My dad was in the Air Force and when he arrived home, dinner was on the table. […]

Be a Robin

February 9, 2019 4

My daughter was Robin. She was 2.5. She and her 4 year old brother had just learned of the joy of Batman and Robin, courtesy of the 1997 movie of the same name- the worst […]


January 24, 2019 1

Turbulence. Nobody likes it. No one. Anywhere. Ever. Just the word itself brings to mind things falling off shelves and people shaking in their seats. Turbulence is choppy seas and jackhammers and potholes and Facebook […]

What Do We Tell the Children?

November 9, 2016 0

We tell them this is how a democracy works. We tell them in a presidential election, only one person can win. Sometimes it will be the candidate you prefer, sometimes it won’t. We tell them […]

It’s okay…it’s just PRETEND murder

June 8, 2016 0

Children relish the world of pretend. They can easily turn the backyard into a jungle and the living room couch into a pirate ship. Their world of make believe is as limitless as their imagination. […]

The Creation of Mothers

May 6, 2016 0

(Although I would never presume to know the mind of God, this is how I like to think it happened…) When the Great Plan of Life was still in the blueprint phase, God sat down […]