DIY the Perfect Family Holiday Photo…NOT

December 6, 2017 0

I watched a segment on Fox News this morning entitled: “Pricey Pictures with Santa-Tips to DIY the Perfect Family Holiday Photo.” A friend sent me the link. It was early and I was still on […]

Dear Adobe Photoshop

July 13, 2017 7

Dear Adobe, We need to have a talk. A come to Jesus moment, if you will. Allow me to begin by saying how much I love your product. I’ve used Photoshop since the beginning of […]

You Want to take a Picture of my WHAT?

June 1, 2017 1

(I wrote another article about vaginas.  To be fair, I only did so after reading the article put out by the good folks at Fstoppers about…wait for it…vagina photography.  I didn’t post it for fear […]