Things To Do When Facebook and Instagram are Down

March 14, 2019 0

The popular social media sites, Facebook and Instagram, experienced a massive outage yesterday affecting multiple countries. People were in a panic. Selfies were unable to be posted. Statuses were unable to be shared. It was […]

A Photography Riddle

March 27, 2018 0

I’m sitting on a plane right now, eating cherry sour ball candies and pondering some stuff. It’s a 3 hour flight, so I have some serious pondering time at my disposal. At this very moment, […]

The Social Media Game

February 25, 2018 0

If you only talk about GOOD things, people say you don’t face reality. If you only talk about BAD things, people say you are bitter. If you try to mix the two, people will say […]

Do NOT Fake it till You Make It

January 6, 2018 2

I see the posts. You see them, too. A session gone wrong because a photographer didn’t know what to do. And they didn’t know what to do because they hadn’t yet acquired the skills necessary […]

Don’t Be the GMO of Social Media

October 23, 2017 0

Sometimes…I worry. I worry that people feel that they must pretend in order to engage in this game called “social media,” (and make no mistake, it IS a game) They must pretend to be have […]

8 Photography Business Truths

May 16, 2016 0

  1. You Are But One of Many People will ask you what you do for a living. When you respond with, “I’m a photographer,” 9 out of 10 people will reply, “Oh! I’m a […]

How did THAT Get 500 “Likes?”

April 20, 2016 8

Situation: You create an image. You love the image. You post the image on Facebook. You say in the post how much you love the image. 125 of your friends hit the “like” button. You […]

Look at the Good Deed I Did.

March 26, 2016 0

When you do a Good Deed and then humblebrag the heck out it on Facebook, you turn kindness into self-promotion, making others wonder if that’s why the Good Deed was done in the first place. […]