Beyonce’s Maternity Portrait

February 1, 2017 0

Dear Beyonce, Congratulations! I read the news you are going to be the mother of twins. You must be over the moon. What a journey you have ahead of you; nothing compares to it. I […]

The Strep Throat Photo

January 18, 2017 0

This is a school photo from my junior year in high school. Unlike other school photos, I remember when this was taken. I remember waiting my turn, sitting down on the stool, and smiling. Mostly […]

Photography, Perspective and Plumbers

December 2, 2016 1

I’m going to share a story with you. It’s a little long, so feel free to bypass it if you aren’t into reading long stories. It’s a personal story and one I’m not proud to […]

Glitterbomb of Tough Love Truth

September 14, 2016 2

Weight-loss shakes, essential oils, leggings, nail designs, make-up, skin care…all wonderful things to use and sell. Just (and here’s the tough love part) NOT on your PHOTOGRAPHY business page. Your photography business page should be […]

Workshop Advice

September 12, 2016 0

WARNING: Sharing again a long post about Photography Workshops. I mean, really long post. The kind of long that makes you say, “Are you writing a short story, here?” I don’t apologize for this. You […]

Know Your WORTH: a MILLION Dollar Idea

September 10, 2016 3

Dear “Million Dollar” Photographer, Can we have a little talk? I’m sure you’re busy so I shan’t take up much of your time, but this is kind of important. I read your open letter: “Why […]

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