Wow. You’re Expensive.

March 26, 2016 1

“Wow, you’re expensive.” “Really? Compared to what?” See… some people drive a Cadillac; some drive a Chevy some people eat lasagna at an Italian bistro; some eat Chef Boyardee some people want exceptional photography; some […]

Dear Portrait Photographers

March 24, 2016 0

Dear Portrait Photographers, You do not cure cancer. You don’t have the power to stop the path of a tornado or make rain fall on a land covered in drought. You take pictures of people. […]

Photography Island

March 21, 2016 0

My idea for a brand new reality photography show: Photography Island. We drop a group of photographers into the middle of a huge wedding (on an island, of course, or the name would make NO […]

Here’s To the REAL Photographers

March 20, 2016 0

Here’s to the women, the soothers, the kissers of boo boos whose little children call them mama Who bring their unflattened bellies and muffin tops their insecurities and worries to the session And to the […]

Six Habits of Happy Creatives

March 17, 2016 0

1. They leave the drama to HBO. You will get sucked down faster than a cold beer on a hot day when you engage in the dramatic dealings of certain people. I’m not naming names; […]

Things I Learned While at WPPI 2016

March 15, 2016 0

If you stay at the MGM Signature and accidentally lock yourself in the bathroom, you’d better hope you have a friend who can save you, because in spite of calling down to the front desk, […]

Alice in Photographyland

February 4, 2016 0

Alice walked up to the Cheshire Cat. “Excuse me,” she said politely. “Would you tell me please, Cat, which photographer I ought to use?” The Cheshire Cat paused for a moment, looked off into the […]

Frozen Themed Photography Set

January 5, 2016 0

A step-by-step tutorial to create this adorable stylized “Frozen,” set sure to delight children of all ages. 1. I know this is hard to believe but the festive winter backdrop is simply a flannel sheet. […]

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