I am Certifiably Confused

May 29, 2019 14

I don’t mean to step on any toes, but <deep breath> here we go… Dear PPA,  A couple weeks ago, I asked to sit down with your top brass and discuss what is happening with […]

Never Doubt

May 21, 2019 4

She came in for her senior session. Her hair was a mess of tangled waves, unruly and uncooperative. Her face was covered with freckles and dotted with acne. She wasn’t model proportions and the clothing […]

Game of Thrones’d It

May 20, 2019 0

New saying for when a final step is mucked up and you don’t get what you were expecting to get: “Game of Thrones’d it.” Examples:“My haircut is awful. My stylist Game of Thrones’d it and […]

Even a Monkey Can Do It

May 20, 2019 1

A photographer is someone who has a camera and takes pictures. That’s it. A toddler could do it. Heck, a monkey could it do it. A professional photographer, however, is something altogether differentProfessional photographers hit their mark 99% […]

A Toilet is the Great Equalizer

May 14, 2019 4

I am not a fan of celebrities. I did have one serious celebrity crush while in middle school, and that was on David Soul, better known as “Hutch” from ABC’s original “Starsky & Hutch.”  (Fun […]