I’m Offended

October 30, 2018 1

      I woke up this morning and had a funny but motivational post running through my mind. One of those posts where I fly downstairs, pour coffee into my body as quickly as […]

Boycotts, Dawn Detergent, and the Devil

June 30, 2018 0

I’m not a boycotter of anything. I never have been. I’ve never walked with a picket sign or yelled into a megaphone. (Unless you count my cheerleading days, during which I did yell quite a […]

Here’s Yet Another Meme to Prove My Point

January 27, 2017 0

When you respectfully disagree, conversations happen. When you respectfully agree to disagree, friendships move forward. These are all Good Things. But when you act like a self-righteous jerk, allowing for no opinions other than your […]

The Take Offense Police

May 27, 2016 3

Uh oh. Now you did it. You opened your mouth and had an opinion on a controversial topic. Sure, you thought about it first, and you were careful with how you expressed yourself, but still, […]