Powdered Milk Nonsense

September 3, 2019 6

When I was a little girl, I lived in Incirlik AFB, Turkey. We lived for a year off base on the third floor of a very large apartment building. My parents spoke no Turkish and […]

Do the Hustle

August 7, 2019 0

“It was constant hustle for me the first three years (in business) full time.” I read this quote from a photographer-turned-business coach. It was advice in a Facebook group. I’m not certain the question that […]

Tough Love Business Advice

December 13, 2017 0

If I read about one more workshop or program or seminar about “How to Succeed in Business,” my eyes are going to start bleeding. People, it’s simple. Really simple. I’ve got it for you in […]

Where’s The Work?

July 14, 2016 0

“Where’s the beef?”  Remember that question? It was the tag line for a marketing campaign created in 1984 by Wendy’s to distinguish the larger Wendy’s hamburger patty from that of their competitors. The television commercial […]

Passion Won’t Keep You in Business

April 20, 2016 0

There, I said it. I’m sorry, but it had to be said. ‪ #‎sorrynotsorry‬ And I know this might come as a surprise to some; after all, we hear the word Passion everywhere. It’s in […]