Alice in Photographyland

February 4, 2016 0

Alice walked up to the Cheshire Cat. “Excuse me,” she said politely. “Would you tell me please, Cat, which photographer I ought to use?” The Cheshire Cat paused for a moment, looked off into the […]

Frozen Themed Photography Set

January 5, 2016 0

A step-by-step tutorial to create this adorable stylized “Frozen,” set sure to delight children of all ages. 1. I know this is hard to believe but the festive winter backdrop is simply a flannel sheet. […]

My Goals for 2016

January 1, 2016 0

It’s a new year and so, we make new goals. I’ve always thought the process was a bit goofy–as if we have to wait an entire year to make a goal? Please. We can do […]

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