I Shower for YOU

October 10, 2019 1

(I pondered this ALL DAY yesterday. And now you get to read about it. Or not. It’s okay either way. ) I don’t care what I look like, but I care what other people think […]

Powdered Milk Nonsense

September 3, 2019 6

When I was a little girl, I lived in Incirlik AFB, Turkey. We lived for a year off base on the third floor of a very large apartment building. My parents spoke no Turkish and […]

Somebody’s Got to Clean the Bathrooms

January 29, 2019 0

DO WORK THAT MATTERS. It’s all around us, this directive to “Do work that matters.” I’ve been seeing it from the likes of people I admire, like Seth Godin and Jon Acuff. I’ve read it […]

Do NOT Fake it till You Make It

January 6, 2018 2

I see the posts. You see them, too. A session gone wrong because a photographer didn’t know what to do. And they didn’t know what to do because they hadn’t yet acquired the skills necessary […]

Tough Love Business Advice

December 13, 2017 0

If I read about one more workshop or program or seminar about “How to Succeed in Business,” my eyes are going to start bleeding. People, it’s simple. Really simple. I’ve got it for you in […]