Marie Kondo vs. The Mom Method

February 20, 2019 4

Women are paying $2000 for a “certification” from Marie Kondo that allows them to tell other people how to throw their stuff away and stop living in such a mess. Those achieving top certification status […]

You Will Fail

February 19, 2019 2

In a world where everyone gets a trophy just for participating, I feel the need to point something out. You probably already know this, but l’m gonna say it anyway: You will fail. You will […]

I Don’t Do Drugs-I Do Dunkin’

February 13, 2019 1

I don’t do drugs. I don’t like the feeling of losing control of my mind. Really, there’s not that much of my mind on a good day, and so I feel the need to help […]

It ALL Sparks Joy

February 11, 2019 0

I’ve lived in my house for over 20 years. I’ve raised my children, 3 dogs and 3 cats in this house. The floors of this house have witnessed the soft pitter patter of tiny feet […]

Be a Robin

February 9, 2019 4

My daughter was Robin. She was 2.5. She and her 4 year old brother had just learned of the joy of Batman and Robin, courtesy of the 1997 movie of the same name- the worst […]

Call of Jury Duty

February 5, 2019 2

“Am I in the right place?” That was the question I asked a very stressed out security person as I reported for jury duty early this morning. Yes, the dreaded “Day of Duty” had arrived […]

Girl, Wise Up

February 1, 2019 0

Hey, you. Yeah, you. The one buying the self-help books and following the social media influencers and life coaches. Yeah, you. Don’t try to walk away…I see you. Come on over here and sit down. […]