Oh..YOU Homeschool?

February 24, 2017 0

I homeschooled my kids from middle school through high school. It wasn’t easy. In fact, there were days I wondered if we had made the right decision. It didn’t help that my daughter, upon hearing […]

We Used To Be Soup, But Now We are Salad.

February 10, 2017 0

  This is the ship’s manifest from February 14, 1903, the day my 21 year old grandfather arrived at Ellis Island. I have three other ships’ manifests, each showing the arrival date of each of […]

Beyonce’s Maternity Portrait

February 1, 2017 0

Dear Beyonce, Congratulations! I read the news you are going to be the mother of twins. You must be over the moon. What a journey you have ahead of you; nothing compares to it. I […]